Super scary mario 64 Dx

=Author's note: The images used in this creepypasta are inspired by an Oneyplays bit (look up "did mario swear?" on youtube if you are interesed.) It is my first trollpasta so it's 100% garbage. Also when editing some stuff didn't save and now i'm too tired to update it rn, probably someday.=

It was an ordinary rainy day after school and wore a warm and really cool hoody that i bought with birthday money that my waifu had given to me (shoutout to my big tt anime goth gf, misa amane from deathnote, love u bb <<3333) that said "Pause the hentai for jesus, cool gamers." i took out my nintendo DSI and popped in my copy of super mario 64  for the ds. I deleted all my progress so i could replay and complete absolutely everything again, for the 7th time, because i am absolutly AWSEOMe at vidja gaymes. cool cool mountain, bomb-omb field and hazy maze were no match for an gamer of epic proportions, such as myself ;;)))). even the desert level, that all of my friends frequently struggle with, was just childs play to someone like me. all of it had been playing normaly, until i got to dire dire docks and realized something was amiss whilst swimming.
i turned mario so he could face the screen, and Mario's eyes had gotten dark. it wasnyt just you''re normal everyday darkness..... it was.... ADVANCED DARKNESS!!!!!!111!1 I grabbed my recording equpiment that i used for youtube (i make moviestar planet let's plays on my channel "RAWR EX DEE XD" and that's also my username and i have 100000 bajillion subscribers and make millions of dollars in add revenue, please subrsice before i get demonitized) and i started to record. the very milisecond that i hit that record button, mario turned back, moved his head completely back with his dark eyes and swore at me!! HE SWORE AT ME!!!!!!1 He looked at me dead square into my pupils and mubled that horrifying, shockingly horrid, dream shattering word.''
he said.
I got a screenshot or it, and if you are triggered by any of what i said above, whether it's swearing or dark eyes, TURN BACKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 because this is truely haunting.
That word, that single curse word was enough to shake me to my core I screamed "WhAT DID YOU SAY TO ME, LOSER?!!1"
to which he replied with "I'm ripped irl scrublord, fite me pussy."
I couldn't believe it. I tried to say som ething, but to my surprise i had stuttered it, "O-oh yeah?! What are YOU gonna do? what CAN you do?!
His head then grew to a humungus size and launched of his body like a rocket. hyper-realistic eyes grew in the empty sockets and blood started dripping out. It flew towards the screen and as he did this the screen suddenly froze for about 10 full seconds then went comepletely black and all the power in my house went out. before the power went out though, i took a quick screenshot of it, here you go